About us

imprint is a partnership between visual artist Matt Bartram and dance artist and creative practitioner Anne Colvin. We bring together a combined 34 years of experience of working with communities and arts professionals to create participatory and performance work. In 2021 we created My Fantastic Place in partnership with GOSH Arts, a digital project which aimed to connect children and young people at Great Ormond Street Hospital with their favourite nature spaces.

The inspiration for imprint comes from the different ways we connect with our natural and wild environments, the imprints we leave and the memories we take away.

Our work explores themes of nature…

  • as metaphors for the body in how we express ourselves physically and in movement;
  • as stories we hold or create;
  • to share experiences that bring us together.

Anne’s dance training is rooted in her creative approach which follows Laban’s theory of movement – how we observe, describe and interpret what we experience, and the different ways we can choose to share.

Matt brings his experience and expertise in visual art and moving image to encourage us to really look, see and sense the detail and relate these to our individual and shared worlds.

Together we focus on creating connections and sharing meaning through visual, verbal and physical storytelling.

Our inclusive approach invites everyone into playful creative possibility and adopts the principles of co-creation, where we embark on the journey of exploration together, listening to each other, growing the process and being open to discovery.

“Together we notice, recognise and explore not just how our bodies move, but how we think, remember and can follow our curiosity.”

Who we are

Anne Colvin
Anne is a dance artist, choreographer and creative practitioner. “Important for me in my work is human connection. I love the depth and richness that comes from exploring ideas and personal stories together through creativity and the unexpected that arrives as we play.”

Matt Bartram
The other half of imprint is Matt, who is an image maker working in design, film and illustration. “I love to look at the natural world around me, feel grounded in it, feel small in it, and try to create things in response that are as bright and exciting as nature is.”